Hier straks ander filmpje
The Hid is a place with history. Within this knowledge-intensive square kilometer in Amsterdam Nieuw-West, fundamental medical scientific research and the creation of solutions for patients have been working side-by-side for years. In order to offer quality of life to as many patients as possible, the site will be further expanded in the years ahead to become an inspiring meeting place for all those who pursue this goal.
The Hid district now occupies approximately 60,000m2 gross floor area.
By 2035 that figure should at least have doubled.

More than just a place to work
All facilities are designed to provide maximum peace of mind for users. The site’s many meeting places make it easy to meet like-minded people for a work-related meeting, or for a social drink after work.
The proximity of the city and various other knowledge institutions, the national airport and mobility hubs, together form an optimal environment for living and working, with a strong appeal to a young, talented population.

Laboratories, equipment and workspaces
At the Hid, we offer diagnostic labs, stem cell labs with GMP facility, and a plasma-derived medicines factory available. Specially trained and dedicated operators make various technologies available to researchers on the campus. In addition to keeping the equipment and associated ICT resources operational, the operators are responsible for training researchers, guiding the design and execution of the experiments and carrying out specialist experiments for the researchers themselves.